Suurvalle's algorithm is described


Grover's book on mesh restoration


Challenges for Constraint Programming in Networking


Constraint Propagation and Backtracking-Based Search


References from DRCN 2003 paper (Hybrid Protection in Express Optical Networks):

[1] S. Baroni, J. Leung, J. Nikolopoulos, P. LintzerisJ. Galanis, “Transitioning to a High-Capacity All-Optical Network Layer,” Proc. NFOEC 2001, Baltimore, July 2001. 
[2] P. Lintzeris, J. Armstrong, S. Baroni, “Optimized Network Architecture to Support Existing and Emerging Services,” Proc. NFOEC 2002, Dallas, Sept 2002. 
[3] J. Weston-Dawkes, “ULH-Optimized Grooming in Optical Mesh Networks”, Proc. OFC 2002, Anaheim, March 2002. 
[4] J. Weston-Dawkes, “The Changing Mix of Protection and Restoration Mechanisms in Core Optical Mesh Networks,” Proc. IEEE/LEOS Summer Topicals 2002, Mont Tremblant, June 2002. 
[5] J. Weston-Dawkes, S. Baroni, “Mesh Network Grooming and Protection Optimized for Optical Bypass,” Proc. NFOEC 2002, Dallas, Sept 2002. 
[6] J. M. Simmons, “Hierarchical Restoration in a Backbone Network,” OFC 1999, San Diego, February 1999. 
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[8] R. Iraschko, M. MacGregor, W. Grover, “Optimal Capacity Placement for Path Restoration in STM or ATM Mesh-Survivable Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 6, No. 3, June 1998. 
[9] J. Doucette, W. Grover, “Bi-criteria Studies of Mesh Network Restoration Path-Length versus Capacity Tradeoffs,” OFC 2001, Anaheim, March 2001. 
[10] Y. Liu, D. Tipper, P. Siripongwutikorn, “Approximating optimal spare capacity allocation by successive survivable routing,” Proceedings of IEEE Computer and Communication Conference, INFOCOM, vol.2, pp.699-708, Anchorage, AL, April 2001.